Apr 28 SmarterMail Email Upgrade
This Saturday, April 29th, 2023 at 11PM CST we will be performing an upgrade of our SmarterMail email system. During this time, customers will be unable to send or receive email or any other SmarterMail-related tasks. This upgrade is expected to take up to an hour (1 hour) to complete. Beginning at 11PM CST and ending at 12PM CST. Incoming emails ... Continuare »
Dec 21 New Spam Filtering Engine
We are very pleased to announce our all new spam filtering engine, powered by Message Sniffer and Declude! Just over a month ago, we dumped our old Cyren anti-spam system for a new, customizable, and very powerful anti-spam solution. Declude is a filtering engine that has been around for a very long time, nearly 20 years. Declude has proven to ... Continuare »